Monday, August 20, 2012

Fitness & Films #2: Modern Musicals

Disclaimer: I am NOT a physical trainer. I have not been trained to offer advice or instruction for workouts. This is merely something that I am developing for fun- a way to combine two things I love (movies and exercise) in an interesting way. I am not going to describe the "correct way" to do an exercise. A licensed physical trainer should do that for you. I also am not a doctor- I cannot offer any statistics about how my workout will help you, or whether you have the physical ability to do it. If you have any doubts about your abilities, then you should hold off on doing anything until you see a doctor. 

This workout is good for any modern day musicals, including (but not limited to):

- Burlesque
- Rock of Ages
- Footloose
- Hairspray
- Rent
-Mamma Mia
-Magic Mike, Step Up, Stomp the Yard.. (substitute dancing for singing)
-Happy Feet
As well as any Camp Rock, High School Musical, or Cheetah girls movies (if that is the way your tastes go..)

The reason I say "modern" musicals, is because they all have the same general theme, which means writing one workout plan works for many! The classic musicals have more of a variety of plots, so while a few things might work, not all will. If you have any suggestions for other musicals that would work, please add in the comments below!

Here's the plan:

1. Main female actress is singing: v-sit
2. Main male actor is singing: plank
3. Combined main actors singing: jumping jacks
4. Actors fall in love: 50 sit ups
5. Actors break up: 20 push ups
6. Actors get back together: 50 lunges
7. Spontaneous dancing/ singing in the street/airport/awkward public place: Squats and arm circles (you can multitask!)
8. Montage of preparation for something (date, show): mimic actions- but never stop moving!! This can be very funny- really feeel the energy as you sweep the floor, comb your hair, wash dishes!
9. Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend causes problems: 40 dips
10. Kissing or other intimacies: stretch (very important for exercising!)
**If no number is listed, you should do the thing for the entire time of said action. Also, any numbers of exercises can be modified for your abilities. I'm being optimistic for myself here*

Now, I know the plan isn't perfect. For example, what happens if the main actor is singing and dancing spontaneously in the street? During a montage? After a break up? Well, use your judgement. I'm not going to do all the work for you! If you just did planks, then to the squats and arm circles. Or vice versa. Or whatever. Just don't lie down and think that because there are too many options, you don't have to do any! And have fun!!

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