Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fitness & Films #6- Star Wars

Alright, I admit it, at heart I am a major nerd. Growing up, one of the Star Wars VHS tapes was always in my VCR. Yoda is my idol. I even hold a strange place in my heart for Jar Jar Binks (Don't judge me!!! This is a NO JUDGING blog).

Thus, I am super excited about this workout!

There are, of course, 6 Star Wars movies (though I understand if some of you want to argue there are only 3- the originals). This workout is for all of them. The workout is hard, because to find things in that occur in all 6 movies, the things must be done often. Some, realllly often. R2 beeps a lot. Sorry. So, maybe you do not want to do a Star Wars fitness & films marathon? Your choice. Exercise smart, and May the Force be with you!

1. Someone says the word "Force"- 10 jumping jacks
2. Han Solo brags about the Millenium Falcon- 10 diamond push ups
3. Lightsaber is turned on- Run/ jump rope in place until it is turned off
4. R2D2 beeps- 1 candlestick (can be saved up for the end :-) 
5. C3PO says an expletive ("Oh my", "I say", or any other pointless comments)- 1 burpee (same as candlesticks)
6. An alien speaks in another language (other than main characters)-  10 arm circles (switch between forward and back for each new language)
7. Anyone talks about power, or being powerful- 10 sit ups
8. Someone fires a blaster or other gun- 2 lunges (it's more common than you think! )
9. Reward is mentioned- 20 tricep dips
10. Chewbacca "speaks" (growls? purrs?)- 10 flutter kicks

**Extended workout, for watching in groups**
Each person picks a character, and a habit the character has. When the character does it, that person must run in place until the next person's character does the annoying thing (or the next exercise comes up, whichever you prefer).
For example: 
Luke whines.
Leia acts like a princess.
Han flirts.
Chewie pouts.
C3PO annoys someone.
R2D2 goes on a power trip.

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