Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fitness & Films #7- The 007 Workout

In honor of Skyfall being released soon, I've decided to do a workout for my favorite movie series of all time- James Bond!

I grew up watching these movies, and am super excited for #23. I have never lost a game of 007 Scene It, and even have my own Walther PPK (and if you don't know that that is James Bond's gun, then you probably don't really care about this workout).

There are 22 movies, which is awesome, because it means LOTS of workout opportunities!

The James Bond Workout

1. Someone says James (including himself)- 5 lunges forwards
2. Someone says Bond (including himself)- 5 lunges backwards
3. Bond orders/drinks a martini- 20 sit ups
4. Character with alward/strange/ridiculous name is instroduced (Knick-Knack, Pussy Galore, etc..)- 10 pushups
5. Whenever a new gadget is introduced by Q- 20 tricep dips, to be spilt up- half when introduced, half when actually used
6. Public property is destroyed- 30 sec plank
7. A bad guy dies- 10 calf raises
8. Bond and Moneypenny flirt- 30 sec side plank (be sure to do both sides!)
9. Someone makes a pun, one liner, or innuendo-  jump rope (with or without rope) for 1 minute
10. The title of the movie appears in the movie (whether said or written)- wall sit, 30 seconds

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